We take Creative Small Businesses to the Next Level by building the systems they need.


Serving high end, booked out creative business owners who look polished on the outside, but inside their business is a hot mess. Consider us your fairy business-mother who come in and bring order in the middle of the chaos. Specializing in (but not limited to) Dubsado, Flodesk, Notion, Basecamp, Motion.io, and Squarespace.

We use systems, automation and strategy to get you more freedom.

what we do

It’s hard to run a small business. You can forget to follow up with leads. Miss appointments. Not know what your next step is in working with a client. This is when you need systems in place that serve you - so you have tech help that automatically follows up with leads, reminds you about appointments and we guide you to set up a client experience so you know exactly how you work with each of your clients.


Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Likes: Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Dislikes: Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

Founder & CEO

Ally Mason

Lauren has worked in multiple industries over the past two decades. Including the restaurant industry which is where she got her heart for the customer always being put first. She has the ability to listen and understand your business and your dreams, and put the strategy and systems together to bring your dreams to life. Her brain is equal parts analytical and creative.

Likes: Negronis, beach vacations, high-octane SPF, homemade chicken pot pie, thrifting, biking, hiking, reading.

 Sweet wine, hoodies in public, doing things because you're "supposed to," leaving the house for no reason.

Founder & CEO

Lauren Barr

Lauren has worked in multiple industries over the past two decades. Including the restaurant industry which is where she got her heart for the customer always being put first. She has the ability to listen and understand your business and your dreams, and put the strategy and systems together to bring your dreams to life. Her brain is equal parts analytical and creative.

Likes: Negronis, beach vacations, high-octane SPF, homemade chicken pot pie, thrifting, biking, hiking, reading.

 Sweet wine, hoodies in public, doing things because you're "supposed to," leaving the house for no reason.

Founder & CEO

Lauren Barr

Every Business Is Unique

we believe

Sure, there are “best practices” when it comes to running a business - but the way you run yours is 100% determined by YOU. We don’t use cookie cutter templates to set you up. We listen to you to find out the systems and strategy that you need so that it works in the exact way you need it to.

Your Business Should Work For You

we believe

We don’t think your business should take over your life. No more hustle culture. No more boss babes. You have a business because you are insanely talented with what you bring into the world - and your business should work for you in bringing your talents to the people who need them.

You Bring Something Great

we believe

We think you bring something amazing into this world. Our hope is to pull out your vision and bring some magic to it. Bringing clarity to the chaos that owning a business can be.

what we value


We are honest with one another and ourselves. If there is a system or strategy that isn’t going to work, we will not hide from the truth. We will not do work that is out of our integrity.


There are only safe spaces at the Smarter Creative. There is no fear of being shamed because we trust one another. We know the others we work with value us, and we assume good intentions.


We aren’t in this world to live only for ourselves - we are all connected. We want to hear your whole story + dreams for the future.

let's CONNECT →

Client Onboarding Zap

Steal the exact automation I use in Zapier whenever I get a new client! It saves me hours of time every week.

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