The Working Smarter Journal

The saying is cliche' but working smarter not harder is something that all small business owners can get better at. The Smarter Creative blog curates tips, tricks, and training to serve your creative small business.

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A black and white photo of a desk with papers, headphones, and a "Certified Dubsado Specialist" badge. The text overlay says "Run a Profit & Loss Report in Dubsado."
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Simplifying Business Operations with Dubsado Profit and Loss Reports in Dubsado


Discover how to generate impactful Profit and Loss reports in Dubsado, empowering you to optimize operations and make informed decisions.

A woman sitting at a desk, looking at a laptop screen. She has a frustrated expression on her face. Text overlay reads "Never lose a client file again" and logos for Dubsado, Google Drive, and Zapier are displayed. A "Certified Dubsado Specialist" badge is in the upper left corner.

Tired of the never-ending hunt for client files in Dubsado? This game-changing Dubsado and Google Drive integration will transform your workflow and help you reclaim your sanity. Say goodbye to scattered files and hello to a centralized hub for all your client projects. Learn how to automate the creation of shared Google Drive folders, seamlessly integrate them with Dubsado, and empower your clients with easy file uploads. With this simple trick, you’ll look like a pro while saving time and energy. Don’t miss this opportunity to streamline your client experience and boost your productivity!

The image is a graphic promoting a blog post about time management tips for creative entrepreneurs. It features a gradient background of blue, pink, and orange, with the text "Time Management Tips For Creative Entrepreneurs" in white. The website URL "" is also included at the bottom of the gr

Say goodbye to scattered energy and hello to focused productivity with these tips for creative business time management! Do you ever start your workday with a burst of ideas, only to find yourself drowning in a sea of to-dos by lunchtime? As a creative entrepreneur, I know that feeling all too well. The very things […]

Are endless admin tasks stealing your creative spark? It’s time to ditch the chaos and automate your way to a smoother client experience.

As creative entrepreneurs, our time is precious. But when it comes to updating our service prices in Dubsado, it can feel like a daunting task. Learn how to use Dubsado pricing update for your packages.

Should YOU surcharge credit card fees?

Navigating processing fees, client perspectives, and finding the best approach for your creative small business.

Discover how to ditch the manual proposal struggle and create custom Dubsado quotes that convert clients and boost your business.

New Blog Graphic - Adjust Clients Contracts & Invoice AFTER BOOKING IN Dubsado

Looking to streamline your administrative workflow? Today, we’re focusing on a common challenge: adjusting contracts and invoices in Dubsado to reflect changes in services or pricing with your clients.

Carry your branding from your website into your Dubsado Forms using a Custom Font in your Dubsado Form! Bringing your Brand into Dubsado Hey there, welcome! Imagine your Dubsado forms as a crucial part of your client experience, where every detail reflects your brand’s personality. We’re here to guide you through using CSS to customize […]