Where service-based small business owners find their focus. Situated in the serene setting of Lynchburg, Virginia, our two-day retreats are designed to transform your swirling storm of ideas and concerns into a clear, actionable plan that propels your business forward.


Clarity Retreat for Entrepreneurs

✨ find your Clarity + Strategy from within

Take a Couple Days for your Sanity & Come to This Retreat

Take a Couple Days for your Sanity & Come to This Retreat

You are invited to come into a safe place where you can openly express everything (and I mean everything) on your mind. You'll be met with gentle and grounded guidance.



Leave with a crystal-clear understanding of your business direction and priorities.

How does this sound?


IN ONLY TWO DAYS, WE WILL TAKE YOU From Overwhelmed to Empowered WHERE YOU WILL ...

Develop the confidence to trust yourself to make intuitive decisions that align with your long-term vision and goals.


Experience an awakening of what truly drives you in your business now that you are clear on what you want.


Equip yourself with a step-by-step action plan tailored to navigate your business's unique landscape towards success.


Imagine waking up every day with a profound sense of purpose, direction, and excitement about the future of your business. Picture a world where each decision you make is fueled by confidence, each step you take is guided by clarity, and every effort you put forth aligns seamlessly with your ultimate business goals.

At your Clarity Retreat, we don't just dream about such possibilities—we create them. This is where your overwhelming to-do lists, scattered ideas, and business uncertainties transform into a cohesive, strategic action plan tailored just for you. Envision having the roadmap to navigate your business's challenges with grace, turning every obstacle into a stepping stone towards your success. Here, the constant noise of tasks, decisions, and responsibilities gives way to focused, impactful actions that drive your business forward, allowing you to reclaim your time, creativity, and passion for what you do best.

Welcome to YOUR Clarity Retreat

Ready to have a clear mind?

Begin your journey to clarity by completing a simple application. This is where you share your challenges, aspirations, and what you hope to achieve. It’s the first step in tailoring the retreat experience to your specific needs, ensuring you get the most out of your time with us.

Step One: Apply

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Immerse yourself in a transformative two-day retreat in Lynchburg, Virginia. Through personalized sessions, strategic planning, and reflective practices, you’ll work closely with Lauren to navigate the complexities of your business. This focused time away from the daily grind is designed to inspire, educate, and empower.

Step Two: the Retreat

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Emerging from the retreat, you’ll possess a newfound clarity and a bespoke action plan. With these tools, you're equipped to make informed decisions, prioritize effectively, and take decisive steps towards your business goals. This clarity is not just a moment of realization; it’s a catalyst for sustained growth and success.

Step Three: Clarity

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"Working with Lauren has been transformative for me"

With her guidance, I've not only doubled our team size in a mere 60 days but also found profound clarity and confidence in our strategic endeavors. What truly stood out was her ability to create a safe and nurturing space where I could freely share my thoughts and vulnerabilities. Her gentle yet logical approach has given me peace of mind as we pursue our ambitious goals.

Taylar doubled her team in 60 days

Yes, It Really Works

I'm Lauren, your gentle business guide

As the architect behind the Clarity Retreat, my mission goes beyond teaching strategies; I'm here to partner with you in rediscovering your business's direction and reigniting your passion. Together, we'll cut through the chaos, turning your overwhelm into actionable clarity. Let's unlock the full potential of your creative endeavor.

more about me →

Hey there!

Begin your journey to clarity and focused action. Apply today for the Clarity Retreat and take the first step towards transforming your overwhelm into a strategic, passion-driven path forward. Let's unlock the potential of your business together.

Apply Today!


This is  for you if:


You prefer to maintain the status quo


You're not ready to embrace vulnerability

you're ready for A CHANGE

It's probably not  for you if...


What is included with the Clarity Retreat?

$3,499 includes a two day retreat focused entirely on you and your business. Also includes dinner night one, day two coffee & lunch - plus snacks throughout the retreat.
Accommodations can be covered as an add-on if you don’t want to worry about booking a room Travel is not included

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites or preparation required before attending?

We ask you to provide us your Mission, Vision and Values for your organization (if you have them) so we have a rooted place to work from. But no other pre-work is required of you. We know that you are overwhelmed as it is - we aren’t going to ask you to do a bunch of prep ahead of time, that is what the retreat is for.

What are the specific dates and availability for upcoming Clarity Retreats?

We offer two retreats a month. Retreats are done during the week. We suggest flying in on day one and then departing on day three, after our time together. If your application is accepted will work with you to bring you out on a time-frame that works for you.

Can I expect any follow-up support after the retreat?

Within 7-days of the retreat, you will receve a break-down of everything we discussed during our time together. A 3-month check in call is included with your package. If you’d like to add on monthly calls to continue on your journey with your new clarity, you are welcome to do so!

email me →

Still on the Fence?

Let's do this

I completely understand. The Clarity Retreat isn’t just an expense; it’s a pivotal investment in redefining your business’s future. But you might still have questions, concerns, or just want to get a feel for whether this is truly the right fit for you. That’s perfectly okay! I invite you to reach out!